IEEC Study Abroad Fair

Explore the multitude of options SF State students have to study abroad in over 30 countries on 6 different continents every fall and spring semester in the center of campus in front of the Malcolm X Plaza. SF State students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to explore the country tables and talk to study abroad alumni and international students. 

February 4th & 5th, 2025

Save the date!

On February 4th and 5th, 2025, there will be an in-person IEEC Study Abroad Fair outside in front of the Cesar Chavez Student Center. Stop by the tables between your classes if you are on campus. 

Students gathered around the Sweden table.

Preparing to Study Abroad

Students are encouraged to explore their options and begin applying now. It is never too early to start planning. The first step is to attend an information meeting. For more details, please visit the study abroad website